Cassandra Ferland

Cassandra is a 500-hr Yoga Alliance certified Senior teacher with Ishta Yoga. Known for her challenging classes and creative sequencing, she encourages exploration and experimentation in the safe container of alignment-based instruction. You will find breath work, meditation, and philosophy an integral part of her offerings. What inspires her practice and teaching is space: the creation of space to gain perspective, to find balance, and to reconnect with the joy and beauty of moving through life. She began to incorporate yoga into her life as a young person, which planted the seeds for one of her specialities: working privately with tweens and teens. She has been a lead teacher in the Ishta Teacher Training program since 2013, and has developed a specialty training for teachers called “The Art and Science of Working with Private Clients” to help teachers elevate the private yoga experience to its full potential, which she teaches annually. Having lead yearly yoga retreats for many years in places as far flung as Portugal, Finland, and Mexico, she is excited to get back to traveling abroad soon! She is currently residing in Atlanta with her husband and daughter, teaching in person group classes and privates, as well as virtually.